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Before buying from Alibaba Express website you should be careful of the aliexpress sellers ratings, to be sure that the sellers reliable, the products quality is good.
The Alibaba Express seller get points from feedback of the clients that bought from him and had gotten the products.
This doesn’t mean that a new seller isn’t good, but he needs to get reputation, also a seller with a good reputation doesn’t mean that it won’t be some defective items or bad quality, so take attention and always read feedbacks of the items.
Alibaba Express Sellers Points:
Seller gets point from ratings. There are 3 categories for sellers:
- The medals : between 3-499 points seller will have a medal or multi medals (the picture will show you everything).
- The Diamonds : seller with diamond icons means that he has between 500-19999 points, with diamond or more.
- The Crowns: last category, those are the best sellers they have proven a great reputation in aliexpress, and mostly had being in the store for along time.
The image above shows you the category of the seller from his points.
First of all to get informations about seller you can put the mouse pointer on the medal or diamonds and it will give you more informations about the seller when the store opened in Alibaba Express, detailed seller ratings.
Alibaba Express Seller Feedback
You can get more informations by clicking in rating icon, so you can know more about the seller.
Alibaba Express Seller Summary:
Positive feedbacks %
Feedback score and icon
Detailed Alibaba Express Seller Ratings:
The ratings for Item as described, communication with the seller and shipping speed.
Alibaba Express Feedback history:
Here you find the global history about the Alibaba Express seller for the last year and all the time, and find and kind of feedback.
Before buying from a seller take attention for the last 6 months feedbacks to know how seller was performing for the last 6 months and know if to buy from him or not.